Addie is so funny when she gets in her zone and plays by herself. She will sit and just look/explore a toy for a long time and then move to the next one. Some days she is a little wild and will go crazy on the horse...too funny. I decided to pull out the big camera yesterday and capture our little girl. She is getting so big too quickly. Excuse the nakedness...we were just back from the pool and putting some stuff on her skin that has dry spots.
My parents came out for a visit from TN and stayed about 5 days with Addie and I. It was wonderful having them here and just watching the joy one their faces while playing with Addie. Addie took quite a liking to them both and definitely was saying "Nana" and "Pots" or "Papa" while they were here. We laughed that she would call my dad "Papa" some since that is what we called his dad.
Saturday Addie got to spend all day with them both while I was at a wedding. Needless to say, I think she got very spoiled by them...between my dad giving her chips and mom letting her watch as much Einsteins as she wants, she was happy! Sunday we ventured to the Monterey Aquarium for Father's Day. Addie kept running around the whole place saying, "WOW!" I was not thinking and decided to just let her walk instead of bringing the stroller...bad move! I was chasing her the whole time but she loved the fish and birds outside.
How I wish my parents lived closer. I long for Addie to know them closely and be able to go over and play on a weekly basis. I am thankful for the time we have together and cannot wait until November when we head out their way. Love you Nina and Pots!...or should I say, Papa! :)
Addie and I ventured home from camp Tuesday. Luckily we came home 1 day earlier than planned since part of the 46 would have been closed the day we were going to come home. More driving...not fun. Addie was a trooper in the car considering she had a double ear infection (found that out today). Needless to say, we are trucking through it here and getting ready for Nina and Pots to visit. Here are a few park shots. And yes, she has Rocket and Leo from Little Einsteins with her at the park. :)
While we were at Oakbridge, we went to the San Diego Wild Animal Park since it was only about 40 minutes from the camp. I didn't know what to expect but it was amazing...and huge! We probably saw 1/2 if not only 1/3 of the whole property. We went with two other staff wives and their kids. Addie got (yet again) another boyfriend...Jonah...while we were there. He is 3 years old and kept calling Addie his "baby." Pet name. :) I laughed to Chris when we got back from the WAP because Addie got the most fun out of the play area and ducks...we could have gone to the local park for free! Oh well, I am glad we went. Oh yeah, she also loved the elephants, especially since they had a brand new little one there. Addie with her Daddy...a little quality time while he reviews and she watches Little Einsteins (if you ask if she wants to watch it, she saw with gusto, "YEAH!"...really funny)