We always heard that one becomes a little more handy once a house is bought...I have to admit that this has happened for Chris. He's such a quick learner and retains anything he learns (don't play trivia with him). Well, over this past year we have made a few things to enhance the house. The latest is the shutter for cover up these huge cutouts in our main sitting area. They are random holes designed for a tv and who knows what else...ever since we bought the house we hoped to cover them. Here is where handy Chris comes in. He has build them all by himself and even made them match the color and design of our other furniture. It's rather impressive. I wish I could admit I helped, but all I did was help keep the wood from moving while he cut and gave Chris my sunglasses for eye protection. Addie enjoyed the time outside reading on her Pooh towel and laying on top of her sandbox.
We never quite know what to expect when we head off to camp every year. This summer we had YL's Fill the Bus Campaign so basically we took a ton of kids and they all went for $200.00...it's a steal. Chris and I got to go together while Addie spent the week with Meme (Grammy) and Papa in Modesto. Needless to say, she was very spoiled and had an amazing time. As for us, we enjoyed the week with the kids and watching them wrestle with who God is. Chris was the solo guy leader for the Paso guys and Jocelyn, Janay and I tackled the girls. It was a hard week for sure full of laughter and lots of tears by the girl leaders. It's always a privilege to be with kids for a week but it's heartbreaking to get a real life picture of what so many of their lives are like...and how they think that is "normal." My mom instinct kicks in wanting to defend them and also wanting to confront them on certain issues (or attitudes). All in all, they definitely experienced God at camp. Yes, some followed and some weren't ready. So, I ask you to pray with us. Pray that God continues to tug at their hearts and draw them in. Chris as always said that with kids and YL, it's like a 100 step process...sometimes we get to see step 10 to 100 and sometimes it's step 1 to 2.
So Addie was working on a curly mullet so we decided it was time to take her to the local kids cut for a style. The atmosphere was too cute and she started out excited since there was a TV on with a cartoon. The moment she had to sit in the chair by herself, it all went down hill. We quickly pulled out the tricks we had for distraction: chocolate milk and the iPod with Little Einsteins. They lasted for about 5 minutes and then she was done. All in all, she got a cute cut that was a little shorter in the back than we hoped for but they called it a bob. :)
Addis is finally at the age where we could take her to the water park in Paso. It's somewhat new and I have been excited about going since she was born...I love water parks! We had an amazing afternoon on Thursday just playing for a few hours and watching the shear joy Addie gets from water and splashing. Chris and I went on one of the rides called the Toilet Bowl...okay, I was scared. I felt like my cheeks were suctioned back to my ears when I was going down. It was awesome!
We attended our first wedding as a family. It's rare to make weddings anymore since I am usually off working instead of attending. Some dear YL leaders from SLO got married on Sunday so we all got to watch them become Mr. and Mrs. Wong. Chris performed the ceremony and (as always) did an amazing job. I am continually in awe of him and what God continues to do with his life. Addie was one of the highlights for us at the reception since she could not get enough dancing, especially because there was a bubble machine. We do a lot of silly dances at the house so whenever she hears music she is quickly to twirl, shake her hands and yell "Yeah!" A great friend was the photographer and grabbed a few images of us dancing. The DJ even dedicated "Dancing Queen" to Addie...too cute.
I had a wedding in San Francisco over 4th of July weekend. So, Chris flew to San Francisco from his monthly long assignment at Oakbridge and we had a great weekend hanging out and being a family again. While I was off working, Chris and Addie spent some great time bonding and playing around the Fisherman's Wharf/Pier 39 area. Addie got some pictures of her and "Papa's Island" as well as an exciting ride on the carousel...she loved watching other ride but got rather fearful when she was on. She ended up on Dad's horse. I finished up my wedding around 4:00 so we all got to spend the 4th of July together. We had a fun time at dinner at the Rainforest Cafe (note: Addie did not like the gorillas and would close her eyes when they acted up). Later we walked closer to the water and saw the great firework show. It was so much fun! I found myself wanting to freeze time because we were all together, there were fireworks, Addie was laying on my shoulder (beyond tired but loving the lights) and Chris was hugging us.
The next day we met up with Papa and Meme at the SF Zoo. It was the perfect sized zoo to not feel overwhelmed or bored. Addie LOVED the goats and getting to chase them around. It was nice to spend the day with Chris's folks since we don't get to do so enough...they are so good to us and Miss Addie.
Here's the excitement that Chris and Addie have while I'm off shooting a wedding. Too funny. (This is Chris: If you are going to knock over a tower of blocks that big you definitely need a helmet... the tupperware was very necessary. Safety never takes a day off)