The month of things breaking...that is our theme for August. #1,098,332 was the car radio. Addie LOVES driving the cars and will literally spend about 20-30 minutes in them pushing every button, opening cd cases and "driving." Next to the the steering wheel in my car is a little compartment to put change. Lately Addie has discovered it and decided to stuff the change into the cd player. Awesome. Chris and I attempted to remove the entire system from the car to try to take it a part. Now, our projects are never that easy so we seriously thought we were just going to have to take it into the dealers but it was worth a shot. After a major game of operation and a few scratches....we succeeded! It was glorious and we felt proud. Once we installed the sucker back in, the Black Eyed Pea song "I Got A Feeling" came on then Beyonce's "Single Ladies" came on. And yes, we had a small dance party in the car (which was parked in the garage with all the windows up) and our flashlights.
This morning I must had said I need to go to the bathroom or something along those lines because Addie ran to the toilet, crawled up and sat there. Chris and I were in shock because we have not mentioned it to her or even tried the whole potty training thing. We giggled to ourselves because she truly is a sponge and is soaking up everything we do and say. Scary.
We joke that almost every room in the house has some toys in it in baskets or hidden somewhere. Addie's Corner in her room, my office and the downstairs "play area" are her favorites. The one downstairs has two horses (yes, two) for her to ride and go back and forth between. Her new game lately has been for her to ride one and either Chris and I to ride the other. It's rather funny considering we are not small people. She loves it and will squeal with joy. Chris has taught her to ride with no hands and she thinks it fun for us all to ride now hands...she's got us whipped.
I had a feeling of a "normal" weekend without a Saturday wedding!!! I actually had my wedding on Friday of last week so I got to spend all of Saturday and Sunday with friends and family...I loved it. Papa came down on Saturday to play golf with Chris and for us to have some one-on-one-Papa-time. We (especially Addie) enjoyed having him to ourselves. While they were out and about, Janay, Shiloh and I took all the kids (in one car) to Avila Beach to play. It was a blast! Pool Janay was stuck in the back between all the kids, but it was well worth the trip. We spent about 3 hours just playing/running around the sand and letting the kids get dirty. It's great how they are all become like brothers and sister (Addie's the only girl) to each other. Sunday was an eventful day for Chris. He preached at the church (did an amazing job) and then the rest of the Blake crew came down for a fun filled afternoon at the water slides. Addie was hilarious in her pink vest coming down the kiddy slides and then running back up over and over again. We didn't get the camera out until the end of the afternoon when she was playing with the cousins. They are all very sweet together and she especially has a soft place in her heart for Merek.
Addie definitely has a thing for shoes. About twice a day, she venture into my closet and try on my shoes. She is also a big fan of Chris's work shoes after he comes home from the heels are her favorite though. When she was born, Chris's grandmother gave her some ladybug rain boots that looked huge at the time but now are the perfect fit. If she has the option to chose her shoes, she will pick the rain boots. It cranks us up because they are big, don't match anything she has and we get absolutely NO rain here. Everyone is commenting when we go out about her shoes.
Welcome to fun with Photoshop. I am not huge on changed photos like this since it takes forever and it becomes something so far from what you actually captured on the camera...however, it does make for some cool effects.
It seems that we have a new tradition of going to hear the Monte Mills Band each summer when they play in the downtown park. We went with some of our good friends and had a great time watching the kids play and dance. Addie was inthralled with the trash cans everywhere, Jack was attached to his stick he found and where ever it "took" him, Renelle loved jumping on Chris and Mathias had his hand down his diaper to scratch a diaper rash. All in all it was fun. We took the kids up front to dance to the music and it was one of my favorites. Addie adores music and I love dancing with her.
It's crazy to think that we have been married for 6 years. We find ourselves asking where the time went. Looking back, God has been so faithful and has blessed us in so many ways. Seeing where we are now, it's clearly a work of the Lord. I truly have married the best/perfect man for me...Chris is amazing. I love walking through each day with him and couldn't ask for more. Blakes now...DATE NIGHT IN SLO!!!