Never a dull moment. After the trip to the Cranks, the Blakes and many other families and college kids ventured up to Young Life's Mountain Lodge for a long weekend up at the snow. The first day we took Addie and Shelby to the tubing was not the world's best but Addie sledded some and even tried skiing. Okay, she cried the ENTIRE time down the little hill but Chris and I got a kick out of it...I am sure we looked like abusive parents. The next day we went to Sugar Bowl for some snowboarding. Chris and I split the day up so we each could get some time in. Shelby became a professional snowboarder by the end of the day and wanted to go back the following weekend. :) It was fun to get away and play as a family with some of our YL family and friends.
I love the Cranks! How I wish they all lived closer so Addie could enjoy playing with girls...and mom and dad could enjoy chatting it up with Jeff and Mel. The week after Addie's birthday, we ventured up to have a girl's retreat with Mel, Josie and Sweet Baby Anna. The husbands had work so we literally just played with the girls and talked until late at night while they were asleep. Mel is one of my friends that is just easy to pick up where we left off. Here are just a few (lame) pictures from the time. Josie introduced Addie to painting and Addie introduced Josie to using your hands and not the brush. I wish I had pictures from the girls chasing the chickens, torturing the cats and running around the house. Sorry.
Addie's birthday party was a success and huge hit with her close friends and family. It was incredible to see all the kids...and adults...playing and laughing. Honestly, I think we really rented out the gymnastics place for Addie to jump on the trampoline the whole time but it was worth it. Annibell came up for the festivities so Shelby got to enjoy the best of both worlds....all in all, a great party.
Addie loves to dress herself as Mr. Potato Head. The tongue is almost like a binkie to her because she will walk around the house with it in forever. When Chris puts the red lips on, Addie will always give him a kiss. Funny.