...Some of our favorite boys to be around. We had the joy of having them for an evening so Tony and Janay could enjoy some time together. They played in the pool, took a bath and crawled through Chris's carwash (tunnel creation). Addie was in heaven to have them both here...especially Jayden...her husband-to-be.
All of Paso is excited during the 2 weeks of the fair. We kicked off the start of the festivities with watching the cattle drive come through town...yes, where we live is small, farmer town more than one thinks. Funnily, we waited almost an hour to see the cattle drive which went by us in about 5 minutes but the kids loved it. Horses and cows are always a hit. Later that day, we took Addie to the opening night of the fair where she rode rides. The rocket ride (aka by Addie as the Buzz Lightyear Ride) became the favorite. We will hopefully make it one more time to the fair...if our stomachs can handle the food.
I had a wedding last weekend in Santa Barbara where the weather was amazing! I realized that we live too close to the beach ourselves but never go, so after church on Sunday we ventured down. It was a beautiful day and Addie loved it. All week since she has been telling us that we are going to the beach. She chased the waves and "jumped" over them the best she could. We also met up with some dear friends of ours that were in town...we love the Hansens and are ready for them to move back. :)
Boy! We had our last ultrasound yesterday and found out that everything looks great with our sweet new baby-to-come as well as that we have a boy. Funnily enough, right when the doctor looked at the baby for the first time, he saw the "boy sign" in two seconds. We had to laugh. Our hearts are full...and a bit scared. Naturally we have been in girl land for the last few years between Miss Addie Grace, Shelby and Annibell. Slowly things are looking more and more pink and tutu-y around the house but I suppose that will change. We haven't thought much of a name or how our house will be rearranged (a hard one for me...sigh...bye bye office) but it is all a good thing. Please continue to pray for us as we adjust to our sweet new additional coming December 4th as well as pray for a beautiful, healthy baby boy (who Chris jokes is called Baby Doug...wow).
We continued our tradition for the third year in a row to get away for a mini family vacation after assignment. We headed to San Francisco for two days of fun...and spoiling Addie. Chris and I joked that we were "those" parents who didn't say no and bought her every silly touristy thing out there for 2.5 year olds. Needless to say, it was great. Addie loved the silver men on the streets (human robot dancers), Rainforest Cafe, cable cars (trains!!!!), and the free rose a sweet lady gave her.
Why is it that the photographer is the mom who NEVER has her camera out? I constantly find myself wishing I could capture Addie and my family like I do for so many other families. Maybe someday I will get my act together. In the meantime, I am stuck with HORRIBLE pictures of us all with the stinkin' point-n-shoot which for some reason we cannot take a blur-free picture for the life of us. :)
All that to say, here are a few pictures of our last week at camp. Addie and I venture back up to Woodleaf to be with Chris as he finished his assignment. I finally pulled out the old point-n-shoot to capture some camp life since Addie was in heaven.
SUSIE!!!!!!!!! The boxes and cross were some of the visuals Chris used in his talks. They were perfect for so many kids to "get" what Jesus did to bridge the gap between us and God. Addie realized how much fun the microphone was and would just yell "V" into it. ??? I think she is training either for program or speaking.
We did a bit of shopping today to make Addie's room more homey. Here is the almost finished room...we are waiting to get a tall bookshelf from Costco in Modesto. Why is girl stuff so stinkin' fun?!
We finally made the move. Addie has been perfectly happy and content in her crib up until even now; however, we were at Costco and saw this adorable twin trundle bed that my sister-in-law told us about. Chris and I loved and Addie is officially out of the crib. We tried to make a big deal about her new bed so she wouldn't put up a fuss for the switch since (similar to her mother) she is not a huge fan of change. Needless to say, it worked and she thinks its amazing. After about 15 minutes of jumping on it and being tickled by dad, Addie was sold. Much to our surprise, she did amazing the first night (which was last night) and fell asleep for nap today with no problem. We had to check on her a few times since it was a bittersweet thing for our hearts knowing our little one is growing up and a new baby is on the way...crazy! Here are a few pictures of Miss Addie loving the new bed...