I have to say this has been a completely different pregnancy. My belly is truly getting bigger and bigger by the day. This is a picture of Addie's shoe choice when we asked her to go get some shoes on to run errands. She is turning into such a girlie girl. :)
Paso has so many fun, small town events to include the townspeople in. This year we got to attend the lighting of the downtown park and Christmas carols with Mrs. Clause. Naturally it's a bit cheesy but that is what makes it so fun. Addie got to spend some time with one of her best friends, Jack-Jack, while running around with a candle in her hand (very safe).
This year was a completely different Thanksgiving experience for the family since we were Paso bound due to waiting for the arrival of Brody. Luckily, Mimi and Papa joined us for our quiet fest at our home...it's always great to have them in town. Chris and I attempted our first turkey and stuffing dish. We actually did it...and it tasted pretty good! We will have to work on the timing of the Thanksgiving meal next year since we thought we would eat at 4 (to work around Addie's nap) but ended up eating at 1:00 since everything was finished. My thought was better earlier than later, right?! All in all, it was a great holiday and very relaxing. Addie took this picture of Papa...we were pretty impressed.
Holy smokes...we finally bit the bullet and had some family pictures taken. What an adventure but so worth it. I laugh because I now know what my clients feel like when they arrive to a shoot with their kids a wreck and they are all sweaty before we even begin. :) Addie did great and provided us with classic "Addie faces and attitude". I am know stuck with the problem of selecting which images to print for the house...so fun!
Sunday was a simple day full of candy for Addie. We had the church's harvest festival after church and then a night with the Hamons. I think Addie started eating candy before we went out and had another piece before bed. Needless to say, she was literally spinning around in circles before we attempted to put her down for the night. She didn't have the most creative costume this year but she enjoyed wearing it...butterflies are a favorite in her mind. Jack, Soren and Shiloh were "team Curious George" and they were tied for the best costume with Rylan and Elle who were Colonel Sanders and a rooster. Luckily I have very creative friends. :)
We never get to have Mimi and Papa come enough but it's always a treat when they do. Baby Blake had a shower on Saturday so Mimi and I headed to do "girlie" things while Chris and Papa entertained Addie. Every year Papa heads to Gettysburg and Addie got to partake in her first Gettysburg attire (chosen by Papa). He did great! Pink with gems with is always a hit for Addie and she wore her hat during dinner.
It's hard to know where to even start with explaining this trip! We headed out to TN to celebrate my grandfather's surprise 80th birthday party. It was great being with the whole extended family on my mom's side since many of them have not seen or met Addie - crazy! Addie was a trooper with the chaos of us all...she would walk around with her fingers in her ears or run upstairs to read by herself some because it was "too loud down there!" I couldn't help but laugh.
On our way out, we had a layover in Dallas for 3 hours. Some of our dearest friends recently moved there so we shot in the dark to see if we could have some time with them during the layover. It worked!!! They swung by the airport and the girls got to play together for an hour while we all caught up. My heart was full from just being with the Cranks...how I miss them all. Addie's sole close girl friend was Josie (and Anna too) so it was fun to see them play.
In TN, we stayed with my brother's family in Memphis and had a blast with their family. Addie (and us too) fell more in love with her cousins and they all got along perfectly. Quinn and Addie would play dolls or walk around in dress up shoes one minute and run around the house like crazies with the boys the next. It was too sweet to just live a few days with them all. I found myself wanting to be closer to them more and more. Can we pull some states closer together?? Or can they all just move to CA? :)
The party for Big Buddy was a hit. He was shocked and surprised by the festivities...I think he is still processing it all. The family really pulled together to pull off a great event and it all ran smoothly. Chris experienced his first southern-coke-with-peanuts drink. I personally think my cousins lied to him to see if he would really drink it...he did. :) We got a little time with my beautiful sister, two younger brothers, and my folks. It's never enough but we have to be grateful for what we had. All in all, it was a great trip (minus the HORRIBLE trip home...another story for another time). Miss you all!