Which one is Addie and which one is Brody? Maybe it's just me, but I feel like my kids look very similar as babies...big cheeks with lots of rolls (love it). As I was waiting for my new version of iPhoto to upload, I decided to flip through all my pictures. I was giggling at some of the sweet pictures of Addie and it got me looking her the resemblance of the two kids. Yes, they definitely have their distinct characteristics but they look very much alike and make sooo many of the same grumpy faces.
Brody is the top pictures and Addie is the next. Below are mine and Chris's baby pictures...I have no clue where our kids get the big cheeks from! :)
Our sweet friend Jocelyn turned 30 and her son turned 4 so of course we had to have a super hero party...Jocelyn is extremely creative. Now as many of you might know, Chris and I are not the best "dresser-uppers" for parties even though we have done Young Life skits for who knows how long. However, I was determined to jump into the festivities so I dug out all my possible super hero creativities I had. Addie was Super Princess since she LOVES her Rapunzel dress and Brody was Super Baby. I made capes for them both which made me laugh. Chris was a wanna-be Batman and I was Super America...luckily for us, the amazing Hendrix family let us into their costume world for help. All in all, it was beyond fun rollerskating with all our friends while our capes flapped behind us. I suggest everyone should try it sometime...you feel extreme. :) Addie got to experience her first time on skates and Chris was thrilled. She cried at first but lucky for her, her daddy is very patient and taught her the ropes.
It's funny how 2 little beings under 40 inches tall can bring us such joy. Addie and Brody are our blessings...here are a few pictures of our silly princess (first time with french braided pigtails) and our sweet Brody-boy who is seriously full of smiles and "talking."
I have to admit that Chris and I are not huge Valentine's Day celebrators. However, we jumped on the opportunity to get away just the 2 of us after my dear friend Katie offered to watch the kiddos on Sunday night. Brody was very cooperative and he feel asleep at 6:00 so Katie just had Addie to watch for the 2 hours we were gone. It was great to eat a ton of food and walk around with Chris. We truly have a great time together and yes, he still makes me laugh...a lot...but don't tell him. :)
I can't believe I am writing this...my little girl is 3 years old. Addie had a fun-filled weekend full of friends and family. We had her birthday party on Saturday and rented out the Pacific Coast Gymnastics place again. As always, it was a hit and everyone had a great time. Kids were sweaty, parents laughed and cupcakes were eaten by all. Addie was running around in her new Rapunzel dress since she is obsessed with Rapunzel (Dad is the prince, mom is the green lizard and Brody is the white horse...you have to see Tangled). She sported a sparkle crown for the birthday song and truly looked like a little princess. She loved being the leader of all the events at the party and is still talking about having all her friends there.
Later that day, we headed to McDonald's with Chris's family where the kids played for another 2 hours and then we finally ended up at our house for the kids to swim the sweat off from the day. Addie was beat that night. Sunday was her actual birthday and we kept it simple. Yes, she wore the princess dress again to church and then played with Rylan later in the afternoon.
She had her 3 year old check up today and is healthy as can be. Thank you, Jesus. Addie is in the 93% for weight and 90% for height...probably why everyone thinks she is 4. :) She is our beautiful girl and keeps us on our toes in so many ways. What a gift we have in Addie.