Brody has discovered his feet in the last week. His hands have always been a favorite thing for him to suck on, but now his feet are a new exciting thing for him to grab. I love seeing babies roll around while grabbing feet...makes me giggle every time. He is also getting stronger and stronger on his legs and likes to stand up. Naturally his mouth has to open whenever he stands (just like Addie did as a baby too). :)
It's no surprise that the Blake babies are baldies...for a few years. Brody has fallen into suite with little hair so we are having to bust out some hats for him to keep the sun off. Luckily for us, my amazing neighbor let us borrow some of her son's hats (thanks Christin!). There were so many great ones but this one melted my heart and made me laugh at the same time. :)
Last weekend was wonderful time with the family. The weather has been incredible so we decided to pack the kids up and head to Avila Beach for some fun. Addie is definitely a beach girl and will play, and play and play. It was Brody's 2nd time there (forgot to take pictures the first time) but he did great. Honestly, he slept most of the time but he was content. I found this hilarious Charlie Brown shirt for Brody is it works perfectly on him because the child has no hair. It makes me laugh every time. Addie found her old Bumbo chair and now wants to sit in it constantly. Addie's new favorite drink is hot chocolate. Chris and I have been drinking a lot of coffee lately (don't know why) so she sees us with coffee mugs/cups all the time. She now wants to join in on the fun but she must have a straw for hers. I had a pictures with Addie asleep in the carrier at almost the same age as Brody. My little boy has just as big of cheeks as Addie so it's funny to see him all flopped over. :)
Brody experienced his first pool swim that same weekend...he LOVED it and didn't even make a peep the whole time he was in the water. We have another water baby on our hands!