Brody is 4 months old and too stinkin' cute! He had his appointment yesterday and is 17.5 pounds (90%) and 27 inches (97%)!!! He grew over 3 inches in the last few weeks which explains why he has outgrown almost everything! He talks, smiles, coos, smiles, giggles, smiles, get the picture. His hands and feet are his favorite right now. I feel like his hands are always in his mouth or at least putting something in his mouth. Just this morning he tried to suck on my cheeks. :) I couldn't help but laugh. He is my sweet little boy and is so fun to be with. Oh, at his doctor's appointment, Dr. Anselmo asked if he has rolled over yet (which he hadn't) and then no 5 seconds later, he rolled over. We both started cheering him on...I guess he likes to put on a show. Addie is enjoying cooking more and more...primarily baking cookies since she loves cookie dough (just like her dad). Saturday morning her and Chris decided to make pancakes for us. Here is the process of baking with Addie...
I find that I have a hard time dumping the pictures off my little camera that is always in the diaper bag...last night I finally got around to it. We spent the last weekend in March going around the county and enjoying the time as a family. This season is interesting to say the least but we are choosing to see the blessing of having extra family time instead of being jobless in weeks to come. We went to Avila Beach for another AMAZING day at the beach. It was 90 degrees there which was incredibly odd but it was beautiful. Addie was in her own little world with rocks and sand while Chris and I were locked on to people watching (especially college kids trying to flirt with each other...priceless). We landed at In & Out for lunch to finish off the day. We are blessed. Papa came down for a day visit. Addie loves being with her grandparents and misses them all the time. Chris put Papa to work on the house with de-pigeon-fying the house. We had a colony of birds on the roof with more bird poop than one should admit. Addie thought the ladder of death was fun to climb with dad...I was a bit nervous but the adventure was fun for her.
This makes my heart melt. Addie had her first officially tea party with her sweet friend Emily. They really just enjoyed eating the cookies and cupcakes but it was cute to watch them pour tea and giggle together as girls. Yes, Addie had to correct Emily's almost every move (not holding the cup correctly, etc) but Emily was a sport with our "smarty pants" daughter. It's times like these that I am so thankful to have a a daughter to do girly things with. Addie is definitely showing her girl side in the mist of her all boy friends group...we are so thankful for Emily and some new girl friends she is making. Brody and Claire hanging out on the couch together.