This weekend was a dream weekend for Addie. She had two friends spend the night...on different nights thankfully. Miss Lucy stayed with us Friday night and was a doll. I loved hearing them both playing with every (I mean every single) toy in Addie's room. After the bomb exploded, it was time to play dress up with some of Addie's costumes and princess dresses. I giggled since they both had to put on the dresses with matching shoes and jewelry to top it off (thanks Aunt Stacey again for all the fun jewelry!!). Lucy was the changing diva since she switched outfits 4 times in the matter of 5 minutes. :) There is something so precious about little girls playing together.
So we began...Brody had his first round of "big kid food" on Saturday. Although this is my second child, I feel my memory has gone and I am a new mom all over again. I can't remember how often to feed them solids or how this was an experiment. Chris had the honors and Brody did great. I have been thinking he was ready since he is showing interest in our food. We will see how this goes but it's crazy to think that my baby boy is getting bigger by the second.
I figured if I can't get someone else to get my picture with Brody, I would have to figure out how to do it myself. :) These made me laugh and melt at the same time. I am lucky.
The time seems to be flying back with Brody. We sit in awe at the thought of him already being 5 months old. I find myself staring at him almost every day and laughing at the 'little person' he has become. Brody is definitely our social bumble bee and loves and interaction/attention. His eyes truly sparkle whenever someone talks to him...and his arms start going crazy. Brody is ticklish, happy, chubby, and adorable. His feet and hands are still his favorite items to shove into his mouth but honestly he would put anything in his mouth that he can grab. He found this little disc for his Einstein mat that has a duck on one side and a frog on the other. My goodness, he loves that thing! He will have an instant melt down whenever he drops it or if he can't get it off the little's rather funny. Dad has been teaching Brody to dance (which is hilarious since Chris is not a dancer). Dad and Addie will do an arm dance with Brody to a certain beat and Brody just smiles...while his checks jiggle. :)
Easter part 2 will be coming as soon as I grab my small camera from the diaper's a long trip from the kitchen the to computer. :) We had a great Easter morning with Easter baskets opening for the kids. I did find myself wondering how Easter candy made it into the celebration of Jesus's resurrection...but candy for all nonetheless. Addie has a huge sweet tooth (not sure where she got that...just kidding) so she was eating jelly beans within one minute of looking at the basket. Brody loves stuffing anything in his mouth so he was eating his stuffed animal with seconds of seeing it.
After the sweets, we rushed to get dressed since we were hoping to make it to church early. Hoping is the key word. Like any hormonal new mother, I found myself a little teary eyed on the way to church due to the hustle and bustle of things. I felt like my focus was more on getting our family beautified instead of our hearts in the right place. Sigh...the life of being a mom. After church we headed the amazing Jelso house for a long, great afternoon of food, talking and kids playing. Praise the Lord, the Crank family is back in California so we all got to be together for this holiday. We are blessed with our Paso family and love them all.
We have two water loving kids on our hands! Brody is still a little wobbly so it requires all hands on deck but it's cute to see them in the tub together. Addie's has a sweet way of talking to Brody lately...she gets this huge smile and says, "Hi Brody Boy" in a high pitch voice. It's cute because he just smiles.