Addie got to celebrate her first Easter! We wanted to get her an Easter basket (even though she doesn't know what a basket is) so we filled it with random items...some for her and some for us. :) We took a few pictures of her with the basket and it was great. She was in a smiling mood and then she wrapped her arm around the handle. It totally looked like she was telling the world, "this is mine!" We got a good laugh.

After church we headed over to our good friends house for lunch. We have all had new additions since last Easter so we took some family shots. The Jelsos and Cranks were all smiles, but Addie didn't want her picture taken.

Afterwards, we put the girls on the couch for their first picture together. Now, the picture quality is horrible but the story behind the image is priceless. Josie was very sweet with Addie but once Josie touched her, our little Addie literally growled at her. All the adults immediately started laughing since we couldn't believe that a 6 week old would do that. Looks like she's going to have a little bit of an attitude...good thing she's cute!

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