We are learning more and more that Addie enjoys hats. With the weather starting to changed, we purchased some warmer hats for her that are a bit too big but we had to try them on. We laugh that she kind of looks like a hippy baby. As for the birthday hat...there is never a dull day in the life of the Blakes. We were getting ready for a Young Life game and were making pie-tin hats. We had an extra birthday hat that I put on Addie and I got so tickled by it. Chris wasn't in the room but he heard my laugh, and knowing me well, he knew I put something silly on her by the sound of my giggle.

I can hear you giggling at her! She looks great in hats, they accentuate her cheeks:) Miss you guys....
you can totally see her double jointed fingers in the birthday hat picture, too cute!
I love the look on her face...like, "do I get birthday cake too?"
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