The first night during his talk, Chris tells everyone how his is commonly referred to as 'Chris Blake.' It's true, rarely will anyone call him just 'Chris''s usually 'C. Blake', 'Chris Blake', or whatever other name comes out. Well, this little fact he shared became his 30 days of fame. You seriously cannot walk anywhere with him on camp (only on camp...definitely not is Paso Robles) without kids yelling his name and saying hi. I felt like I was a celebrity wife. Addie was famous herself since she was 'Chris Blake's daughter' but me...I was just his wife. Kind of made me giggle. He handled his "fame" graciously. Too funny.
Addie loved being at camp too. She spent her days swimming, running around collecting rocks, acorns, and bugs, playing with her new friends Sammy and Gage, and hanging out with Susie the mouse. Now about Susie, Susie was there for the month for a once a week appearance during a club game. Well, for all the other 23 hours of the day, Addie and I had the honor checking on her...about 3 times a day. Even with us being home, Susie is still a topic of many conversations around the house. One of the program guys is trying to convince us to bring sweet Susie home but we all know how big of animal people Chris and I are. I have to admit, it's cute to see Addie with this silly mouse and I was tempted...motherhood is getting to me. :)
Addie has also developed into quite a little dancer while being at camp. With all the activities throughout the day, music is constantly playing at camp. This is where Addie shines. One day we caught her on the basketball courts during Cabin Challenge Day dancing her little heart out, literally shaking her but and then doing some killer yoga moves to top it off. She had us rolling wtih laughter. I have no clue where she learned her yoga moves or why she thinks it's dancing but it's classic.
All in all, camp is going great. Please continue to remember Chris in prayer since he will be there until July 3rd. We wish he was home with us because the house is very boring without his comedy but we know he is where he should be. How proud we are of him!
(a few pictures from Western night)

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