Saturday, June 21, 2008

Vacation in Capitola

We took our second annual vacation to Capitola with Chris's family. It was a different year for us all since we had the most kids we've ever had as a family in one place and the stomach flue spread through the entire group while we were there. We laughed that it was a vacation to's definitely in the record books for us.

We spent a few days on the beach and another at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk. Addie went on her first theme park ride with her Dad...I don't know if she knew where she was but it made us laugh. Chris is such a good dad because on a few parts of the ride there were some scary parts (note that this is a kids ride) so he covered her eyes...he's so good. :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

4 Months Old + Father's Day

Sometimes we think that this cannot get much better with Addie...each phase is more and more fun. At four months she weighs 15 pounds and is 24 inches long. She can officially role completely over as of last week and she loves to smile. Yes, she still can "show her colors" when she's mad but I guess that shows that she takes after her mother. :) She loves to be sung to and Chris and I feel like we are constantly singing "If you're happy and your know it" but it's worth it.

As for father's day, it was a simply day to celebrate dad's 1st. A yummy breakfast followed by church and lunch with some close friends. We had dinner plans too but decided to hang tight at the house since we just got back in town. Chris is an amazing dad and Addie is so lucky to have him as a father...she and I couldn't hope for more. We love Daddy!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Young Life

So, having a baby adds a whole new element to being a Young Life leader for Chris and's difficult juggling it all but AMAZING too. Addie is the best "contact work" tool at meeting kids since she is so cute and kids still love babies. I had to get some pictures taken of us in action for a YL magazine and thought it would be fun to share a sneak peak of us with Addie and high school kids. The Bjorn is her favorite and such a ministry tool for us since she is content in it...yes, it also makes her cheeks look larger too. :)

Shiloh and I after campus.

Chris and the "behind the gym gang...this is Hannah.

Alexa and Amanda with Addie at the end of the year BBQ...they are laughing because Addie tooted (I am so proud).

Addie's first skit with mom and dad.

Our sweet friends who are leaders with us.