Thursday, December 30, 2010

2 weeks old

It's hard to believe that Brody is rounded the corner to 3 weeks old. He looks so much older because he is such a big boy. We had to take him to the doctor's again for a cold and they weighed him to be 10 pounds 4 ounces. What?! I couldn't help but laugh. We are slowly figuring out the sleeping thing each night but that seems to be our biggest obstacle right now. He is becoming more and more awake throughout the day and showing signs of interacting when he looks at us. Our Brody is a sweet little boy and we are blessed.


We spent Christmas in Paso since Brody was only 2 weeks old. It was a nice, quiet holiday as a family of 4. On Christmas Eve we went to our church's service followed by our tradition of pizza, sugar cookies and Charlie Brown Christmas. Addie enjoyed the cookies. :) On Christmas day, we got up around 7 and headed downstairs to open presents. Addie was a bit confused why she got more gifts since your "already got her new jammies" on Christmas Even. We couldn't help but giggle. It took us about 2.5 hours to open up her gifts since we had to eat or play with everything right after she opened it. :) Mimi and Papa came into town later that evening so Addie got to stay up until 10. Wow! All in all, it was a great first holiday with Brody.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Santa in the Park

Merry Christmas from the Blakes! We lagged with the Christmas cards this year since we were wanting to have a family picture with Brody in it...maybe we will aim for a New Year's card...maybe. :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

1 Week

Life seems to be going at a busy and slow pace. It's crazy to think that Brody has past his 1 week marker and moving into the two week marker. He has already brought joy to our lives and makes us laugh. At times he looks like a grumpy old man and other times he looks to precious for faces are hilarious. By Brody's first doctor appointment he weighed a hefty 9 pounds 2 ounces. I laugh because he loves to eat!...just like his mom and dad. :) Naturally, sleep has been the challenge for us but we are surviving well. Brody is not a fan of sleeping in his bassinet yet he will gladly sleep on or beside one of us in a heart beat. We are taking baby steps in this process and trying to be patient with our little cuddler. Addie continues to engage with Brody throughout the day and give him kisses here and there. I think she realizes he doesn't "do much" right now but we try to tell her that soon enough he will be up and about with her (a crazy thought).

Nina came out for a 5 day visit to help out around the house and with Addie. She is always so sweet and tender with the kids and really knows how to play well with them. My mom loves babies so holding Brody was one of her favorite things. She surprised Addie with a homemade princess dress that was amazing!...Addie LOVED it and would wear it almost everyday. Thanks NIna!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Brody Phillip Blake

He is here! He is here! After waiting for an extra week, our doctor graciously induced labor on Saturday. Brody Phillip was born on December 11th at 9:41pm weighing in at a hefty 8 pounds 12 ounces and stretching 21 inches long. The labor went faster than what was expected and he is healthly...and stinkin' adorable (looks very similar to Miss Addie at birth). Chris and I were able to surprise Papa with Brody's middle name being named after him since Papa has been such an influential man in Chris's life. It was sweet to see him a bit speechless when he heard the name choice. Addie was been an amazing big sister from the start and is enjoying watching "Baby Brother" throughout the day. All in all, it's great to be home and adjust to a family of four. Thank you to all our friends and family for the prayers...God is so gracious and Brody is truly more perfect than words.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

So we wait

Brody is proving to be just like Addie in delaying his arrival...which I have to say is rather torturous for a woman who is over 40 weeks pregnant. There is something so sweet about a "due date" so to see it come and go is not the greatest. HOWEVER, I have to admit that the extra time with Miss Addie has been a blessing. Chris and I are trying to do those last minute things around the house as well as really playing with the little girl to make each day special with her. Yesterday we made sugar cookies and iced them, tonight we packed up the car to go see "Tangled" at the drive-in (Addie LOVED it) and tomorrow is another family date night. I know we will not remember what our life was without Brody but we find ourselves drawn to Addie in a stronger way. She is our sweet daughter and what a joy she is to us. Saturday is the scheduled induction and hopefully the new addition to the Blake family will make his arrival!