Saturday, January 24, 2009

Shelby's playing softball....

We signed Shelby up for softball with her two close friends, Hannah and Britney. It was quite a sight watching them getting ready to leave the house. Between changing outfits a few times and fumbling the bat around, they headed out and had a great time. We are excited for the season ahead and to fill the bleachers with YL folks and friends. I've never been a softball person so hopefully I will learn a few things or two myself...first time for everything.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

11 months...a little late

So I have realized that this new month of age for Addie has been the hardest yet. I keep telling myself that she will be one in a few weeks and it saddens me at times because it's gone by so quickly. She is adorable. Her personality is shinning through more and more each day and she is full of life. I find that I daily get a good laugh because of her and her silly noises.

As you can tell from the pictures, she has a dog...stuffed dog named Chiwi. Addie loves Chiwi. She gets a huge smile whenever she seems him and she'll cuddle into Chiwi. We've bought some super cute dolls like Blabla but it's Chiwi that our daughter likes. This makes our heart warm. Addie is also a professional slider at this point. We walk down to the park each day (we use her walker to get there) and spend a good 20 minutes on the slides. She can go by herself and can even give herself that little push with her legs to get going. Sippy cups are slowly making their way into our lives. This has been an adventure since we have a million different kinds but we finally found one that she'll take...and don't try to dilute that juice too much or she won't drink it. Crazy, I know. Finally, we have a smart one on our hands, she can make a dog, cow and cat noise when ask what they say. It's not perfect but she knows exactly what we are asking and will respond right away.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Children's Museum

We live with an amazing group of friends in Paso. Everyone has kids under the age of 4 so it's great when we all get together. We are trying to be more pointed with our time with the kids so last week we all headed to the Paso Robles Children's Museum. I have yet to experience it and it was awesome! Addie enjoyed the whole two hours we were there...I did too! Once section of it had a "barrel" full of balls for the kids to play was supposed to be like a grape crushing barrel since we live in the wine country. Another part had this elaborate area with balls where if you put a certain amount in, they would come falling down. The moms enjoyed this part just as much.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Snow Trip

As many of you know, we are not the spontaneous, for us to pack up on Friday to randomly go to the snow on Saturday is a huge step. Yes, it did take me about 3 hours to fully commit to the trip (packing did not sound fun) however I am so glad we did. We spent the weekend in Modesto and jump in the caravan with Chris's folks, Sarah, Joel, Gavin, Merek and Eiler to head up to the snow for the day. Shelby, Addie and Annibell have yet to experience snow so it was great! Addie loved going down the hill with us and smiled the whole time.

As for the hair, it's true...I went dark. I wasn't thinking it would turn out so black when I told my hair gal to go for it, but it's different and I think I am liking it. Chris calls me his mistress and I am constantly catching him off guard when I walk in to our room...really funny! Addie gave me the strangest look when I saw her the first was one of those, "you sound like my mom but you look different!" looks. Priceless. We'll see if I keep it but for now, I have finally done what I wanted to be brave enough to do for about 4 years. Like I said, so not spontaneous.

Addie and friends...

The park has been our new entertainment lately since Addie is all about walking with her little pastic walker. We headed to the park last week with some of our close friends the Pulliams and had a great time...minus the fact that 4 police cars surrounded this kid that Shelby hangs out with. Never a dull moment right? :) Nonetheless,it's so much fun watching her have an endless smile on her face as she cruises around. It's not the quickest process since Addie has become a waving monster...trees, birds or human oh an especially dogs all get huge smiles and waves as we stroll around. It's the best.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Memphis Trip

We headed to TN a few days before Christmas to see my was a crazy trip but couldn't have been better. We loved being in Knoxville seeing my folks, brothers and grandmother. Addie was so sweet with Grandmother and sat in her lap for a good 10 minutes while listening to a teady bear that plays Christmas music...she loved it! From there, we headed to the Nashville area for my brother Todd and I to shoot a wedding while Chris and Addie hung out with my sister and her husband. Apparently my sister Stacey is an amazing scrable play. :) The next and final leg of the journey was to Memphis to see my brother's (Todd) family and my mom's folks. Like I said, it was tiring but worth it.

In Memphis we had an amazing time with Todd, Tara and the kids. We went to see zoo lights at the Memphis zoo in 25 degree weather (memories right?!), played more Rock Band than we should admit and just enjoyed being together. It's times like these with my family that I long to be closer. I keep trying to convince them all to move out to CA but I don't think I am making any grounds. I love you all and thanks for the great trip!!!

Oh, so the pictures, Tara was asking me what to get Shelby and I joked, "whatever but just not cigarettes." Without knowing it, we bought some candy cigarettes for Quinn as a joke. Todd and Tara got a good laugh out of the fact that we bought Quinn some but wouldn't let them get Shelb's some. Then we decided to let the girls try them out (we are horrible) and we all were rolling. They loved them...the candy that is. :)