Tuesday, January 20, 2009

11 months...a little late

So I have realized that this new month of age for Addie has been the hardest yet. I keep telling myself that she will be one in a few weeks and it saddens me at times because it's gone by so quickly. She is adorable. Her personality is shinning through more and more each day and she is full of life. I find that I daily get a good laugh because of her and her silly noises.

As you can tell from the pictures, she has a dog...stuffed dog named Chiwi. Addie loves Chiwi. She gets a huge smile whenever she seems him and she'll cuddle into Chiwi. We've bought some super cute dolls like Blabla but it's Chiwi that our daughter likes. This makes our heart warm. Addie is also a professional slider at this point. We walk down to the park each day (we use her walker to get there) and spend a good 20 minutes on the slides. She can go by herself and can even give herself that little push with her legs to get going. Sippy cups are slowly making their way into our lives. This has been an adventure since we have a million different kinds but we finally found one that she'll take...and don't try to dilute that juice too much or she won't drink it. Crazy, I know. Finally, we have a smart one on our hands, she can make a dog, cow and cat noise when ask what they say. It's not perfect but she knows exactly what we are asking and will respond right away.


Jessie & Guille said...

I just LOVE that little girl! She's soooooo cute! You've got a Paris on your hands, lovin' her little Chiwi! ;)

Atkinson said...

i just love her...she is getting to be such a big girl:)

Unknown said...

She is so cute! I can't believe she is almost one! Also, I didn't post on the other page, but i love the brown hair!