Saturday, May 30, 2009

Senior Club + End of the Year Club

It's been a great year with Young Life. Naturally, by the time May/June rolls around, we are tired. However, we continuously stand in awe at what God has done over the last year. The amount of kids that have come through the doors each week or even just a few times is a testimony of God working and using YL in SLO County. Our leaders in Paso and SLO continue to amaze us at how they open their lives up to kids and show them Jesus in a real life way. Paso consists of all adult leaders and SLO is all college aged besides one or two ( are amazing). God is so good.

Paso had their last club on Thursday and it was the senior club. A few of the senior boys did the skit and Zack (aka. Mini Chris) gave the talk. He did great. It's weird to think that another year is done. We head to camp July 19-25th. We have a grant from National YL called Fill The Bus to get a bus full of kids to camp for 1/2 the price. We are still praying to fill all the spots and we are getting close. Please join us in this prayer. Money is still a big issue for a lot of kids but we will hopefully find a way for them to go and have the best week of their lives. I am on the list to go and it will be my first time leaving Miss Addie for the week...I am already sad but I know it will be worth it. She'll camp out at Grammy and Papa's and get some quality time with the cousins, Auntie Hippo and Uncle Joel. Thanks family!

Friday, May 22, 2009

31st Birthday

Chris had a great, simple day celebrating his birthday. It's crazy to think he's in his "30's"! :) He definitely is young at heart and full of humor. I married an amazing man.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ice Cream

It's official...Addie is a big girl and she gets her own ice cream when we go out. With Jamba Juice Fridays having to be cleaned up every Friday night, we decided to make a family outing when possible for ice cream. We haven't bought Addie her own food before but when it comes to ice cream, you can't share! :) She loved it. We went with a sherbet (rainbow to be exact) and she ate it all.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Addie's Corner

Addie loves to read. We will often find her in her room sitting on the floor with books everywhere. Addie also loves to sit on things...curbs, door steps, chairs, etc. She will find a place that looks comfortable, sit down, then pat the spot next to her for you to join her in sitting. It's rather funny. With that said, Chris and I were wanting to create a special place just for her where she could do two things she likes...this is where Addie's Corner was invented. Chris came up with the initial idea (and with a little wife decorating help) we now have a place that Addie adores. She sat in the finished area yesterday and cried when we took her out to go get dinner.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

15 months

Let me apologize now for the mass amount of pictures on this posting. I have gotten some messages that I haven't updated the blog in awhile so between yesterday and today, I have made up for the delay.

So, Addie is 15 months old. Wow! This is SUCH A FUN AGE. She is silly, funny, girlie, and so sweet. She is saying more and more words, loves yelling "Mama" and Dada" whenever she can't see us, can't wait to ride the skateboard with dad and adores being outside. She is our little bug. We are so blessed and she is perfect. It's hard to image having another since we can't top her...she's the best. Can you tell we are proud parents?!

Since it's been too long since I drug out my work camera to capture her (I'm always using my point and shoot from my purse), we decided to see if she would smile yesterday. She was hilarious! She has this new thing with her tongue that made us laugh and she was so fun to be with. We love our Addie Grace.

The backyard

We are getting closer to finishing the backyard but there is always something else. As you might remember, Chris and I (really Chris) made a planter box...aka the coffin. This past weekend we finally filled it with flowers and it looks great! We'll see how long it last but we love the finished product...and so does Addie.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Chili's Extravaganza

Yes, we ventured out with some of our dearest friends to Chili's one night with all the kiddos. It was Addie and all the boys...we are ready for Christin to have Elle so Addie has a girl friend in town. :) All the kids did great and yes, there was a lot of food on the floors before we left.

Visit with the Cranks

We hopped out of town a week ago to visit the Cranks up north. It was a great, simple trip full of just "being" together, food and laughs. They live in a beautiful area and have 5 (now 4) chickens. It was too funny to watch the girls chase the chickens. I have to say too, it was AWESOME watching Jeff and Chris try to round them all up in the coop at night! Chris was running around and Jeff had a 2x4 in hand...enough said. We miss our sweet friends and hope to see them soon.

Please notice Jeff's huge smile and the sign that Mel is looking at...we are so inappropriate. :)