Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Blake Break

Last week was great. Chris took 2 days as personal days to just "be" and rest. Wow, I wish we had that every week. It was wonderful to be a family and not get stressed or have something to do constantly. We took on a family task of building this huge planter box for the back yard since we have the worst drainage ever. Yes, it was a task for but it was great to work with our hands and see the finished product. I don't think we have a future in wood work but it was fun for the time. Addie was a trooper and loved being outside for about 5 hours a day

.(I love this picture...he is so handsome and it screams that he is rested)

1 comment:

Atkinson said...

your backyard looks great! i am so glad that you were able to get some good, quality family time!!