Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Driving Dad's Car

As you know, Addie is beyond content in driving either one of our cars. She can easily sit in the car for about 30 minutes and play...push every button, take out all the CD's, buckle seat belts, play with toys and read. It's not a rare thing for me to put her in the driver's seat while I unload the groceries. This particular day, Chris was washing his car and of course Addie had to assist. When the drying process was happening, it apparently was time for her to jump inside and play. We got a good giggle because at one point we looked in at her and she had her stuffed elephant buckled in her car seat while she was in the driver's seat buckled in "driving." We asked what she was doing and she said "I'm driving elephant." Wow...almost as good as the other day when she grabbed her play purse and said, "Bye bye Mommy. I go to the grocery." I almost died.

1 comment:

organa genitalia said...

German car and american family, nice!