Thursday, September 30, 2010

A new chapter

Today has been a bitter sweet day for Chris and I. Everything about the day was great...played with a dear friend in Avila, Addie took a long nap, did some shopping for Baby XXXX (still no name yet) and a good dinner with the family. However, both Chris and I feel a bit heavy hearted today. Today officially wraps up our time as the Area Director (me the wife) of San Luis Obispo County. A world wind of emotions come along with this change since it was 11 months in coming: relief, peace, guilt, regrets...the list goes on for both pros and cons. When Chris and I married and moved to Paso Robles, we honestly could have told anyone that we were going to be the staff family in the area until we were 80. No joke, those were our words. It's funny how God has such different plans for us...plans we would not even image or sometimes understand.

With saving you too many details since our close friends and family know the story, Chris is moving jobs to be the associate regional director of our region with his amazing boss, Scott Lisea. Luckily for us, we do not have to move since my job is set here (and we own a house that I can guarantee will not sell anytime soon). The new job is PERFECT for him and matches all his strengths and talents more than we can image. He will basically help teach, train and lead the other area directors in our region. It's just weird to step away from the "front lines" of the ministry. We are both taking a break from leading since I have been a leader for 10 years and Chris 12 years. So, as I write, the first Young Life club for Paso High started tonight and we are not there. It's odd. It's definitely not normal and my heart is honestly a bit saddened by the reality. As I write, Chris will officially be finished as the area director of SLO in less than 4 hours and a new area director is already being considered. As I write, we embark on a new chapter and adventure with this new job tomorrow...and Chris will head out to the Valley to already get a jump start on training leaders in club speaking.

The change is good. The change is hard. I have said many of times to God that "this is not what I wanted" but I honestly couldn't tell you what I am wanting now...I'm 8 months pregnant too so the emotions are high. :) I feel all Chris and I can do and say is "we TRUST you Lord. We trust." The future in additional fundraising is draining for the new role, salaries changed, comfortability left...but trust is what we have left. My prayer is for the best, most fruitful year for all our clubs in the SLO county. May God surpass all our understanding and expectations by bringing more kids than even to his feet. I pray too that our family will still have our eyes set on serving and not become complacent is just worrying about us. May we reach out to those around us and be open to new ministry opportunities we might have been blinded by before. My prayers go on and on so maybe this is a good thing for us to go through since it's bringing me to my knees. Please join with me in seeking the Lord in all of this.

Thanks for listening as we await that God has in store for us in this new chapter of the Blake family.


Kayla Van Patten said...

I found you! Our family will definatly be keeping you and Chris in our prayers!! God is 100% in control.

P.S. I like how "baby XXXX" has the right amount of X's for D-O-U-G. :P

Hamon family said...

You were greatly missed at club last night, it really wasn't the same. We too are praying for you guys.

Atkinson said...

thanks for sharing your heart...we will be praying for you guys and look forward to hearing about all the new things the Lord is going to do in your lives. miss you friend---

marla said...

Will be praying for you guys! Sounds like a lot of change is coming your way. Makes my heart smile to hear how you are following God's leading and trusting Him in the midst of it all. So proud of you all. Much love-
p.s. love your new floor! :)