Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Last weekend in March

I find that I have a hard time dumping the pictures off my little camera that is always in the diaper bag...last night I finally got around to it. We spent the last weekend in March going around the county and enjoying the time as a family. This season is interesting to say the least but we are choosing to see the blessing of having extra family time instead of being jobless in weeks to come. We went to Avila Beach for another AMAZING day at the beach. It was 90 degrees there which was incredibly odd but it was beautiful. Addie was in her own little world with rocks and sand while Chris and I were locked on to people watching (especially college kids trying to flirt with each other...priceless). We landed at In & Out for lunch to finish off the day. We are blessed.

Papa came down for a day visit. Addie loves being with her grandparents and misses them all the time. Chris put Papa to work on the house with de-pigeon-fying the house. We had a colony of birds on the roof with more bird poop than one should admit. Addie thought the ladder of death was fun to climb with dad...I was a bit nervous but the adventure was fun for her.

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