Thursday, July 21, 2011

Family Pictures

I am elated right now! We finally had our family pictures taken and I am beyond thrilled. My associate, Kayla, met up with us last week at one of my favorite spots and captured my sweet family. It was interesting being on the other side of the camera...I know we were so awkward. Nonetheless, we love them are just a few.

July randomness

I find myself stocked that July is going so quickly. We have had an eventful last few weeks and sadly I have not been too great at the camera front...I am trying to "be" with the kids instead of behind the camera all the time. Here are a few funny moments int he Blake household:

Brody has started sucking his thumb. The does this reverse suck and it's really funny.

Addie has been getting herself dressed lately and this is the latest outfit...two tutu becomes the shirt and the other the bottom. She thinks she looks beautiful.

No way, Brody has big eyes?! Hehe. Brody is all about eating these days. Addie has enjoyed helping out with his food. He looks like a little bird because he mouth is always open for the next spoonful. :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Capitola 2011

We went on our annual trip to Capitola with Chris's family. Unfortunately Chris couldn't join with him only being 4 weeks into the new job but we had an incredible time. We started the trip off with a visit to the Monterey Aquarium and Addie was in heaven. She has been asking to go there for about 2 months now. She loved running around with Savannah and she even got to touch "Mr. Ray" in the tank. :) The weather was absolutely amazing this year so the beach was a blast with all the kiddos. We spent another day roller skating (Addie passed but the Boone kids were rockstars) and another at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk. I found myself not wanting the time to end. It's always a blessing to be with the Modesto gang and I always leave knowing I have an incredible family. Thanks for the trip, Mimi and Papa!

Monday, July 11, 2011

7 months old

Brody has passed the 7 month marker. He went to the doctor yesterday and weighs 19lbs 7oz and is 28 inches long. Healthy as can be (thank you Jesus!). He is still high up there in height but has come down in the weight some...needless to say, we are feeding him solid foods 3 times a day now. The same thing happened to Addie around the same to love a lower milk supply. He has grown to master the sitting up world for the most part so we naturally had to capture him doing his "tricks." He loves the new view since he has more access to toys to shove into his mouth. Chris and I were just talking about how his eyes light up when he smiles...he is such a joy.

This is a look we get a lot from Brody since his eyes seems to be glued opened. He is such an observer.

Disneyland and Legoland with the Cousins

We couldn't have hoped for a better trip with the Fleming gang. It always warms our heart to be with them each and makes us long to live closer. The cousins all got along perfectly considering we were running on little sleep between 3 full days of theme parks. Quinn was adorable in her thick southern accent saying about Brody, "I want to hold that baby!" I can still hear her now and it makes me smile. Aidan impressed us with his personal hand drawn lego characters for everyone on the trip and Canon make hearts melt every time he was told happy birthday because he is just too stinkin' cute. All in all, it was perfect. Are you guys ready to move to California yet?!?!? :) Wishful thinking I know but how we long to live closer.

This picture is one of my favorites since it tells a HUGE story about Brody's life....Vegas+this hotel= Brody. :)