Thursday, February 26, 2009

Closing of a Chapter

I have always considered life's events as chapters for our lives. The Blakes have had an interesting last year with our household going from two to five with the addition of Addie then Annibell and Shelby. Never in a million years would I have thought we would have been through such change but God constantly keeps us on our toes.

With that said, last Friday Shelby and Annibell moved out. I wish I could say it was a happy event for both sides but there were many tears. Shelby is a beautiful girl full of such amazing talent and a personality that is fun to be around, but like most teenagers, she can show a different side of herself that limits what she is capable of doing. My heart hurts as I write these words because I wish I could say that Shelby and Annibell are in a better place, a permanent place; however, they too are in transition. The road is rocky at best for them both and we are still waiting to hear where they will be placed. Naturally my soft side is telling me to run go get them both yet my smart side is telling me that tough love is what Shelby needs right now. As hard as it is to watch, I fear she needs to almost hit rock bottom before she can truly desire a better, different life for herself and Annibell too. We tried the best we could to love them both as our own...I wish we could do more. I know God has taught Chris and I so much through this whole process and I am sure we will continue to learn more as the days go on.

I ask you all to join with us in praying for Shelby and Annibell. Both are two great girls that just need love. I long for Shelby to understand and want the love that only God will offer her. She is unsure what that will look like in her life since many people that have loved her in the past have left. I pray she is broken of her anger and will no longer use it as an excuse for her actions...may she in turn grow from it and move past it. For Annibell, I pray that God continues to surround her with complete protection. She is such a tough little girl who has had more change in the short 18 months of her life, but I pray she continues to grow, mature and keep her innocence. May she know the Lord at a young age and follow a significantly different path than what has been set out in front of her.

Thank you all for your love and support. I know without a doubt that Shelby and Annibell experienced something completely different while being a "Blake" because of all the amazing love, interaction, support and prayers you each gave to them. Thanks again. We love you all....


x]Hannah[x said...

I have been thinkin about these "situations" alot lately. and i have to say i love you guys and what you did is amazing. i love you guys. and my heart hurts for many reasons. but i pray for you guys. <3

Atkinson said...

i know this is a tough time for all of you- we are praying for annibell and shelby...and we are also praying for the blakes. you did a wonderful thing...i know those girls were surrounded by more love when they were with you, than they have had in a long time...

Unknown said...

I am so sad to hear about Shelby and Annibell. I know the decision was right and she will find her way soon. I am very proud of your decision although is was hard. I know she learned a lot about love living with ya'll. We will be praying for them and ya'll in your adjustments. Love you