Saturday, May 8, 2010

First Ballet Class

I realized that my little one will only be young once so we definitely need to do those "girlie" things with her...Ballet being one of them. Some sweet friends of ours take their girls so we decided to join along for our first time. Not really knowing what to expect, we all had a great time. Addie jumped and ran all over the place and I could not wipe the smile off my face (or tears from my eyes) because it was just too stinkin' cute! Addie was a bit shy at first but once the teacher started playing music and dancing around, her true spirit came out. She was inthralled with the teacher and watching her gracefully dance around...yes, my daughter might be close to 6 feet tall when she grows up but at least she will be able to dance. :) All in all, it was a huge success and we are excited for the next class. I have been looking around for new tutus and such...I have a feeling we will have a small shopping spree at the local dance store for Miss Addie. So fun!


Hamon family said...

this actually maek me want a little girl (just a little). She is beautiful, I love her so much!!

forevermoores said...

so adorable!!! I cannot wait to take Ms. E to dance class!!! so cute!!!

Atkinson said...

i just love her--