Friday, October 3, 2008


It's true. Addie can officially pull herself up onto things...especially in her crib. It's a whole new world for us yet again since we have to be even more aware now of what she's in to. The crib thing is cute but hard. Whenever we put her down to sleep (regardless how tired she is and how much she needs to nap), she will always pull herself up within the first minute. We'll go back in there and lay her down since she is still learning how to get back game. We are a little concerned that she is going to wack her head on the side of the crib. Ahh, the joys of parenthood. :)


The Flemings said...

How is that possible, wasn't she just born? They grow up crazy fast.....she's so stinkin' cute!

Atkinson said...

How fun!!! What a new adventure...for all of you! Adorable!!