Friday, July 31, 2009


We never quite know what to expect when we head off to camp every year. This summer we had YL's Fill the Bus Campaign so basically we took a ton of kids and they all went for $'s a steal. Chris and I got to go together while Addie spent the week with Meme (Grammy) and Papa in Modesto. Needless to say, she was very spoiled and had an amazing time. As for us, we enjoyed the week with the kids and watching them wrestle with who God is. Chris was the solo guy leader for the Paso guys and Jocelyn, Janay and I tackled the girls. It was a hard week for sure full of laughter and lots of tears by the girl leaders. It's always a privilege to be with kids for a week but it's heartbreaking to get a real life picture of what so many of their lives are like...and how they think that is "normal." My mom instinct kicks in wanting to defend them and also wanting to confront them on certain issues (or attitudes). All in all, they definitely experienced God at camp. Yes, some followed and some weren't ready. So, I ask you to pray with us. Pray that God continues to tug at their hearts and draw them in. Chris as always said that with kids and YL, it's like a 100 step process...sometimes we get to see step 10 to 100 and sometimes it's step 1 to 2.

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