Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Big Girl Bed Transition

We finally made the move. Addie has been perfectly happy and content in her crib up until even now; however, we were at Costco and saw this adorable twin trundle bed that my sister-in-law told us about. Chris and I loved and Addie is officially out of the crib. We tried to make a big deal about her new bed so she wouldn't put up a fuss for the switch since (similar to her mother) she is not a huge fan of change. Needless to say, it worked and she thinks its amazing. After about 15 minutes of jumping on it and being tickled by dad, Addie was sold. Much to our surprise, she did amazing the first night (which was last night) and fell asleep for nap today with no problem. We had to check on her a few times since it was a bittersweet thing for our hearts knowing our little one is growing up and a new baby is on the way...crazy! Here are a few pictures of Miss Addie loving the new bed...


The Flemings said...

What a big girl! She's such a sweetie and those faces are priceless! We miss you guys.

mommy said...

So adorable and fun! She's is officially a big girl...brings a few tears. Hmmmmm...I recognize one of those silly faces all too well...

Sadie Jane said...

SO CUTE! The room looks beautiful.

Atkinson said...

on my gosh!! she is so big!!! i am proud of you! i still haven't brought myself to make the switch with mac---what an adorable room!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I visited this blog by accident, I just clicked "next blog" but she really is the sweetest kid :D