Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It's a.......

Boy! We had our last ultrasound yesterday and found out that everything looks great with our sweet new baby-to-come as well as that we have a boy. Funnily enough, right when the doctor looked at the baby for the first time, he saw the "boy sign" in two seconds. We had to laugh. Our hearts are full...and a bit scared. Naturally we have been in girl land for the last few years between Miss Addie Grace, Shelby and Annibell. Slowly things are looking more and more pink and tutu-y around the house but I suppose that will change. We haven't thought much of a name or how our house will be rearranged (a hard one for me...sigh...bye bye office) but it is all a good thing. Please continue to pray for us as we adjust to our sweet new additional coming December 4th as well as pray for a beautiful, healthy baby boy (who Chris jokes is called Baby


The Flemings said...

So exciting! Love you guys and miss you tons!

marla said...

Yeah! So excited for you guys!! Thrilled everything is healthy, and you will love having a boy! Addie will be great with "Doug" I am sure, and it will just add a little more dirt and noise to the pink. :)

Sadie Jane said...

WE HEART BOYS! Yay!! I've got some stuff for you :). We love you guys and hope to see you soon.

Kate Kehne said...

Whoah! That's so exciting! What a perfect family! Congratulations from the Kehnes!