Monday, May 19, 2008

Chris turns 30!

It's official, he's no longer in the 20's! Saturday we had a small get together at the pool in our neighborhood and had birthday party for Chris...nothing like pizza, pool and a pinata. :) Since so many of our friends have kids, it was great to have the pool to keep them all in one area. Chris's folks and sister's family came in for the always, it was great having them there. We are blessed with an amazing family.

(Aunt Hippo...Sarah's new name since Chris is Uncle Monkey and I am Auntie Asheebug).

I caught this while Jess and I were upstairs. We just got back from running some errands before the party and I looked down to see if Addie was still asleep and found her safe with dad. :)
Uncle Rhino (Joel)...there's a story behind the adult diaper. Sarah thought she forgot a diaper for Merek to wear to bed. Well, only Young Life staffers would have adult diapers in their garage for club games! Joel decided to put it on and of course we had to quickly capture it.

Grammy's little girl


Robin Ilac said...

Happy Birthday! We wish we could have come up to visit, but Kevin has two fundraisers that day and the heat made it really hard for me to do anything! Looking forward to having our little one so soon and so close to your birthday! God bless!

The Flemings said...

An oldie, but a goodie! Happy Birthday and thanks for celebrating with Todd. Sounds like he is having a blast. We are so lucky to have you as family. Miss you all!