Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wong Wedding

We attended our first wedding as a family. It's rare to make weddings anymore since I am usually off working instead of attending. Some dear YL leaders from SLO got married on Sunday so we all got to watch them become Mr. and Mrs. Wong. Chris performed the ceremony and (as always) did an amazing job. I am continually in awe of him and what God continues to do with his life. Addie was one of the highlights for us at the reception since she could not get enough dancing, especially because there was a bubble machine. We do a lot of silly dances at the house so whenever she hears music she is quickly to twirl, shake her hands and yell "Yeah!" A great friend was the photographer and grabbed a few images of us dancing. The DJ even dedicated "Dancing Queen" to Addie...too cute.


The Flemings said...

She's a dancing machine! You guys look great! Miss you all!

Atkinson said...

those are great pics of you and addie! she looks like she had a blast..miss you-